On this page you will find the most important information about the festival at a glance.
Here you will find information on travel and accessibility for our venues, everything about booking and ticket sales. You´ll find our festival information folder nad the festival schedule. Journalists will find detailed information in our press service.
Ticket sales for AUGENBLICK MAL! 2023 start on 30 January for theater professionals and on 13 February for individual visitors as well as school and kindergarten groups.
Ticket service:
Phone: 030-47997474 (Mon-Sat: 9:00 - 20:00 & Sun: 12:00 -20:00).
A form for group bookings wil be available from 13 February on this page. Ticket sales for individual visitors start an 13 February too. If you need assistance with ticket bookings, please contact the ticket service mentioned above.
The general terms and conditions of papagena apply to ticket purchases and event visits.
The box offices of the participating theatres open 1 hour before each performance. Until then, bookings are only possible via the ticket service.
There will be the possibility of pre-entry 15 minutes before each performance. To participate you simply need to come and register with the service team on site.
Are you unable to attend an event or a performance at short notice? We offer a way to give away already purchased festival tickets or exchange them for other tickets. You can either use the on site ticket exchange pinboard in the festival center at STRAHL theater. Or our digital "pinnet" wall, regardless of your location. In order to use the digital platform, you have to enter your e-mail or telephone number. You can find the digital wall here. link:
More detailed information is available on the respective page of each production. You can also see which plays are translated into German Sign Language (DGS) and which have no language at all. We will announce content warnings as soon as possible.
Adults 13,00 €
Children up to 12 years 7,00 €
Reduced € 9.00*
Normal price (presale only) € 10.00 each
Solidarity price for 15,00 € each
Solidarity price Plus for 20,00 € each
GROUPS FROM 10 PERSONS (Prices per person)
Pupils / day-care groups
6,50 € (via JKS 4,50 € each)***
Student groups
8,00 €
Accompanying persons
8,00 €
Holders of a Berlinpass or proof of eligibility can also book a three-euro ticket at the box office or by calling the ticket hotline on the day before the event.
* Reductions apply to pupils, students, pensioners, recipients of unemployment and citizen's benefits, holders of a severely handicapped ID card, persons doing federal voluntary service, trainees and recipients of benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (Asylbewerber*innenleistungsgesetz) and holders of a Berlinpass or proof of eligibility.
** These prices are only valid for trade visitors. They are based on solidarity and can be selected according to self-assessment. With the Solidarity Award and the Solidarity Award Plus you can actively support the AUGENBLICK MAL! Festival actively.
*** The JugendKulturService (JKS) can pay €2.00 per ticket on presentation of the relevant proof. When using the JugendKulturService (JKS), the accompanying educators receive additional free tickets (for non-school institutions one free ticket per 7 children, for schools one free ticket from a group size of 15 pupils).