© Jens Beckmann

Der allerbeste Familienstreit. Ein Familien-Forschungsfest

Die AZUBIS (Hamburg)
#Children's Theatre
When: Sat 10.05. 10:00
Sat 10.05. 15:00
Sun 11.05. 10:00
Sun 11.05. 14:30
Where: Theater an der Parkaue
Recommended for ages: 6+
Duration: 90 minutes, no intermission


The king is inconsolable: the princess has gone! She has run away because of all the arguments about sweets, noise and pets... It's not easy being a family! So the king decides to invite all the families in his kingdom to share their experiences: how do you argue and make up? How much sweet stuff is there? Who makes the rules?

The king and all the families in attendance celebrate a ‘family research festival’ – with games, theatre and conversations. In position games, we ask who has their own room and who is in charge. We use Lego to recreate our own family, praise each other and chat about family rituals and family wishes. In the end, the king has learned a lot about arguing, the daughter comes back and to celebrate the day there is a buffet for everyone!

We, the apprentices, invite the audience to join us in taking a closer look at the topics of family, conflict and reconciliation, embedded in a scenic setting.

We invite the audience to attend the ‘Allerbesten Familienstreit’ in cross-generational constellations of at least two people who see themselves as a family.


With: Lisa Apel, Kai Fischer, Caroline Heinemann, Christopher Weiß

Concept and direction: the apprentices

Production management: Kaja Jakstat

Sponsored by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Ministry for Culture and Media


The king decides to celebrate a family research festival with all the families present. Suddenly, children and parents are hitting each other with foam rubber bats. In the other corner, children are painting their parents. At a crafting table, medals are being made for special family honours.

The production goes far beyond the classic theatre format: it becomes a living research platform where families can experience and explore the dynamics of conflict and reconciliation up close. The play transforms into a living research laboratory: how do we argue, how do we want to argue, and how do we find each other again? These questions are explored in a playful way at interactive stations.

The production invites the audience not only to watch, but also to actively participate, try things out, experience and reflect. It manages to break down the boundaries between stage and everyday life and makes it clear that arguing and reconciling is a natural part of family life, which can also leave room for playful ease and creative forms of expression. This creates a space for encounters and exchanges in which everyone can find themselves.
With humour, warmth and a remarkable openness to the small and large dramas of everyday family life, the trainees show that it is possible to see conflicts as something that unites us rather than divides us. A production that, in its originality and its courage to interact, leaves a lasting impression and involves the audience in a very special way. By inviting them to actively participate, families are encouraged to see conflicts as a natural part of their relationships, to look for solutions together and not just trample everything like a dinosaur.

Mariella Pierza 

Content Note

Content warnings: It is about conflict in a family context. The audience is also asked about this and invited to interact. They also move around the room. Occasionally, the groups are split up, i.e. children are separated from their caregivers.

Sensory stimuli: All audience members have access to sweets that are consumed during the performance. At the beginning, a loud knocking on the wall produces a dull and loud sound.