The nominated productions for AUGENBLICK MAL! 2023

by Annett Israel
What a season 2020/21! Many theaters had to remain closed for a long time due to the pandemic. Nevertheless, pre-production took place. In many places, plays were performed digitally or open air. Indoor "premieres" without young audiences were the rule. Then, toward the end of the season, came redemption. Finally, the theaters were allowed to invite young people back into their rooms and halls, even if the number of visitors was significantly reduced. Depending on the size of the auditoriums, one, two or even three school classes were lost in them. With the start of the 2021/2022 season, the pressure of premieres and few play dates followed. Countless performances had to be hastily rescheduled due to illness and quarantine regulations, or cancelled altogether due to audience cancellations. A difficult situation that accompanied most of the theaters throughout the season and also heavily influenced the viewing process of the five curators Antigone Akgün, Malte Andritter, Dorothea Lübbe, Elena Philipp and Winfried Tobias. Some planned viewing trips had to be cancelled at short notice, proposed productions could only be experienced by individual curators or not at all on site together with an audience. Thus, in their discussions, they often relied on the impressions that resulted from viewing the videos submitted by the theaters, independent groups, collectives, and solo artists.
The curators were accompanied in their viewing process, which began in January 2022, by five young people who had emerged from the Hingucker*innen editorial group - all of them young people who had critically accompanied the 2021 festival, which had been moved to digital spaces at short notice, by writing. In their texts, they had clearly criticized the lack of young perspectives on the selection of guest productions and in the discussions. The AUGENBLICK MAL! conception team invited all Hingucker*innen to contribute their perspectives to the viewing process and the conception of the framework program of the upcoming festival. Nicole Etschberger, Florian Hecht, Jana Oehlerking, Mariella Pierza, Lena Riemer and Thalia Schöller accepted the invitation and from then on called themselves a group representing young perspectives. In a shared experimental space with the five curators - who had all embarked on the adventure - they negotiated possible forms of youth participation. During the viewing period, they repeatedly met with the curators and represented their views, impressions, attitudes, desires in digital conversation spaces, during joint video-watch parties, or in Marburg and Bremen, where they attended festival performances with the curators and shared their viewing experiences. On walks, in small groups or in large groups, criteria for discussing performances were exchanged and discussed as well as individual ideas for a successful festival of theater for young audiences.
More than 200 valid proposals submitted by theaters, independent groups, collectives and solo artists were reviewed several times by the five curators. With 50 production proposals, the curators went into the discussion about the longlist on September 15. At the end of the day, 30 productions were nominated for the final selection discussion about the ten guest performances of AUGENBLCIK MAL! 2023, which will take place at the beginning of October.
What is published here is an interim result in the discussion process about those ten productions that will finally be part of AUGENBLICK MAL! 2023 from April 21 to 26. The Festival of Theater for Young Audiences in Berlin from April 21 to 26, 2023. It honors the relevance of the themes, the variety of genres, the awareness of diversity, the sincere attitude towards young audiences, the visibility of young perspectives, the contemporaneity, the courage to take risks, the humor and the quality with which performing arts for young audiences are created and shown in many places in Germany under the most diverse production conditions.
The nominated productions for the final selection of guest performances for the festival of theater for young audiences AUGENBLICK MAL! 2023 are in the order of the submitted proposals:
Julia Keren Turbahn + Jan Rozman, Berlin
Kooperationspartner: FELD Theater Berlin, Emanat Ljubljana, Puppentheater Ljubljana
Autor*in: Julia Keren Turbahn, Jan Rozman
vorschlag:hammer, Duisburg
Kooperationspartner: KOM'MA Theater Duisburg
Frederick die Maus
Autor*in: nach Leo Leonni; Regie: vorschlag:hammer
pulk fiktion, Köln
Kooperationspartner: FFT Düsseldorf
Robin und die Hoods
Autor*in: Ensemble; Regie: Marcus Thomas
GRIPS Theater gGmbH, Berlin
Kai zieht in den Krieg und kommt mit Opa zurück
Autor*in: Zoran Drvenkar; Regie: Robert Neumann
Fetter Fisch - Performance l Theater, Münster
Alice im Wunderland - ein Spiel mit der Wirklichkeit
Autor*in: Ensembleproduktion frei nach Lewis Carroll, Regie: Leandro Kees
Theater Marabu, Bonn
Master of Desaster
Autor*in: Ensembleproduktion; Regie: Ensembleproduktion
HELIOS Theater, Hamm
Früh Stück
Autor*in: Michael Lurse; Regie: Michael Lurse
Junges Nationaltheater Mannheim, Mannheim
Vom kleinen Maulwurf, der wissen wollte, wer ihm auf den Kopf gemacht hat.
Autor*in: Werner Holzwarth, Wolf Erlbruch; Regie: James&Priscilla (C. Minckwitz, F. Scheer, N. Schneider, A. Spalthoff, J. Tibbe)
Junges Ensemble Stuttgart, Stuttgart
Oma Monika - was war?
Autor*in: Milan Gather; Regie: Milan Gather
Theater o.N., Berlin
Kooperationspartner: Produziert von der Offensive Tanz für junges Publikum Berlin
Autor*in: Ensembleproduktion; Regie: Isabelle Schad
Theater Marabu, Bonn
Autor*in: Ensembleproduktion; Regie: Tina Jücker und Claus Overkamp
Junges Schauspiel / D'haus, Düsseldorf
Das Leben macht mir keine Angst
Autor*in: nach einem Gedicht von Maja Angelou; Regie: Liesbeth Coltof
Theater der Jungen Welt Leipzig, Leipzig
Bääätsch - Zunge raus!
Autor*in: Luise Audersch, Clara Fritsche, Julia Sontag; Regie: Luise Audersch, Clara Fritsche, Julia Sontag
MOM-MenschObjektMusik, München
Autor*in: Vern Thiessen; Regie: Annette Geller
Brachvogel & Werling Freies Theater GbR, Impflingen
Kooperationspartner: Follow The Rabbit, Graz/Österreich
Kohlhaas - Moral Highground
Autor*in: Ensembleproduktion nach Heinrich von Kleist, Regie: Nadja und Martin Brachvogel
Traummaschine Inc., München
Happs Oder: Wer hat Angst vorm weißen Hai
Autor*in: Pascal Fuhlbrügge, Jochen Klüßendorf, Charlotte Pfeifer; Regie: Charlotte Pfeifer
Junges Theater Bremen, Bremen
Wie lang geht das noch?
Autor*in und Regie: Arnold&Bianka (Fabian Eyer, Valeska Fuchs, Sebastian Rest, Anne Sauvageot)
TANZKOMPLIZEN - Produktions- und Spielstätte, Berlin
Kooperationspartner: Eine Produktion von TANZKOMPLIZEN im Rahmen der Offensive Tanz
A HUMAN RACE - the rite of Krump
Autor*in: Grichka Caruge; Regie: Grichka Caruge & Ensemble
Piccolo Theater Cottbus, Cottbus
Die Verdunkelung II - Coronaleuchten
Autor*in: Eigenproduktion des Jugendklubs; Regie: Matthias Heine
pulk fiktion, Köln
Kooperationspartner: FFT Düsseldorf
Denken ohne Geländer - Hannah Arendt im Selbstversuch
Autor*in: Ensemble; Regie: Eva von Schweinitz
Manuela Neudegger, Nürnberg
Kooperationspartner: Tafelhalle im KunstKulturQuartier - Stadt Nürnberg
Berührt euch!
Autor*in: Manuela Neudegger und Ensemble; Regie: Manuela Neudegger
FFT Düsseldorf & Vonder Mühll / Thuwis / Biedermann, Düsseldorf
Kooperationspartner: Theater Sgaramusch Schaffhausen, TheaterLiechtenstein TAK Schaan, ROTONDES Luxemburg
Autor*in: Nora Vonder Mühll, Ives Thuwis, Hannah Biedermann; Regie: Hannah Biedermann
Theater Strahl, Berlin
Kooperationspartner: De Dansers
Hold Your Horses
Autor*in: Ensembleproduktion: Yeli Beurskens, Guy Corneille, Yoko Haveman, Noemi Wagner, Marie Khatib-Shahidi, Liam McCall, Youri Peters, Arturo Vargas; Regie: Josephine Van Rheenen
Kooperationspartner: KünstlerInnenhaus Mousonturm, Junges Nationaltheater Mannheim
Body Boom Boom Brain
Autor*in und Regie: PINSKER+BERNHARDT (Janna Pinsker und Wicki Bernhardt)
Staatsschauspiel Dresden, Dresden
Leonce und Lena
Autor*in: nach Georg Büchner in einer Fassung von Joanna Praml und Dorle Trachternach; Regie: Joanna Praml
Junges Schauspiel D'haus, Düsseldorf
Bambi & Die Themen
Autor*in und Regie: Bonn Park
Imaginary Company, Frankfurt am Main
Kooperationspartner: Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt
Die Verhandlung
Autor*in und Regie: Ensemble
K3 Tanzplan Hamburg/ Kampnagel Internationale Kulturfabrik GmbH, Hamburg
Dance Machines
Autor*in und Regie: Regina Rossi
HELLA LUX GbR ℅ Liljan Halfen, Frankfurt am Main
Kooperationspartner: jugend-kultur-kirche sankt peter
wearing heavy boots
Autor*in: HELLA LUX; Regie: Liljan Halfen und Milena Wichert
Theater an der Ruhr, Mülheim an der Ruhr
Kooperationspartner: FFT Düsseldorf
Lyriks... von Unendlichkeit umarmt
Autor*in und Regie: subbotnik
Alle hier aufgeführten Angaben zu Titeln, Autor*innen, Beteiligten und Kooperationspartnern basieren auf den im Vorschlagsverfahren von den Theatern eingegebenen Daten zu den eingereichten Produktionen.
Glückwunsch an alle Ensembles und Beteiligten und Daumendrücken für die Endauswahl!
Alle für die Endauswahl nominierten Produktionen sind auf mit einem violetten Stern hervorgehoben.
Die zehn von den Kurator*innen ausgewählten Gastspiele für AUGENBLICK MAL! 2023 werden auf und auf am 12. Oktober 2022 veröffentlicht.

Foto: Annett Israel