Kinder und Jugendliche (darunter einmige BiPoC) stehen vor einer Wand mit Zetteln. Darauf steht Das war ein toller Moiment und Das habe ich nicht verstanden. Darauf kleben viele kleine PostIt Zettel, die nicht zu lesen sind.
© FOsoTObeck

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AUGENBLICK MAL! Participation project for children invites to workshop  
When: Tue 25.04. 13:30
Where: Festival Center Theater Strahl Ostkreuz
Duration: 120 minutes, intermission


As part of the participatory format “Blick's mal!” children come together to prepare for the AUGENBLICK MAL! festival. In their base camp at the festival center, they are there for all festival guests at any time and anyone who is interested is invited to attend a “Blick's mal!“ workshop on Festival Tuesday.

Supervised by: Laura Mirjam Walter (GRIPS Theater) and Pauri Röwert (Theater an der Parkaue)

The event is sold out.